Our Mission
Expositional Preaching: We are committed to teaching directly from the Bible, which is God’s timeless truth for abundant living.
Friendly Size: At a time when many churches are eager to present bigger as better, FBC offers a reassuring alternative to the Mega-Trend. We do not offer gymnasiums or swimming pools, but we do offer the truth of God’s Word and a place where you will not feel anonymous, but an important part of God’s family.
Heart for the Hurting: FBC is a “Spiritual Hospital” to individuals and families. We seek to build one another up, so that when the hurting become strong again, they can then share the comfort they have received from God.
Congregational Prayer: Fully convinced of the power of prayer, an important part of our Sunday service is praying for one another. No one is required to pray out loud, and may instead, do so in the quiet of their hearts.
Children & Parents Together: Unlike larger churches where children are brought directly to Sunday School, our children begin service in the Sanctuary with their parents. After joining with their parents in worshipping God in Song, they are then excused for Sunday School. We believe that when children see the devotion of their parents, they will be encouraged to similarly pattern their lives.
Past, Present and Future
In 1751, a quarter-century before colonists founded these United States, John Sherwood, a convert of the “Great Awakening” preacher George Whitefield, founded the “The Baptized Church of Christ.”
The present building was constructed in 1813 to replace the original which was struck by lighting and burned. Built on a gentle rise as a “Light on the Hill,” the church has long been a beacon of hope, ministering to generations of faithful from Fairfield, Bridgeport and places farther afield. Over 50 pastors have since filled the pulpit of this humble church.
While much has changed in the town and country during the past 250 years, one thing has remained unchanged at First Baptist Church – the good news of Jesus Christ is faithfully and boldly proclaimed.
And while our church has a long history, it never, for a moment, lives in the past. Our church is not a museum, but a testimony to the timeless faithfulness of God. We do not look to the past but to the undeniable evidence that we worship a living God who is active in our lives today and is preparing a glorious future for those who will come to him in faith.